Your Guide To All Things: Vintage Oil Rain Lamps!
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog! We truly appreciate you! We hope that we are able to share our years of knowledge of Oil Rain Lamp restoration in order to help save another lamp and keep these mesmerizing beauties around for years to come!
If you have any questions regarding the installation feel free to email us! We are capable of answering questions in regards to a typical rain lamp so some tips and answers we give may need to be adjusted for a specific lamp. The instructions below are generalized for most standard oil lamp construction. If your oil lamp differs, you may need to do additional research or send us photos!
You can reach us anytime at RainLampRepairs@gmail.com
You can also reach us on Facebook messaging, eBay messaging, or by simply following the button below!
Repairing and Caring For Your Oil Rain Lamp
A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Clean and Restore ...
Discover the charm and nostalgia of vintage oil rain lamps with our step-by-step guide to cleaning and restoring these captivating decor pieces. In this comprehensive post, we'll show you how...
A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Clean and Restore ...
Discover the charm and nostalgia of vintage oil rain lamps with our step-by-step guide to cleaning and restoring these captivating decor pieces. In this comprehensive post, we'll show you how...
Vintage Oil Rain Lamp History Tips!
Vintage Oil Rain Lamps: A Captivating History o...
Discover the captivating history of vintage oil rain lamps, a mesmerizing fusion of art, science, and nostalgia. Invented in the mid-20th century, Richard Marquis and William H. Puett's patent marked...
Vintage Oil Rain Lamps: A Captivating History o...
Discover the captivating history of vintage oil rain lamps, a mesmerizing fusion of art, science, and nostalgia. Invented in the mid-20th century, Richard Marquis and William H. Puett's patent marked...